When winter rolls around in Statesville, NC, it is bound to get chilly. When temperatures drop, it’s time to turn on your furnace to heat your home. Furnaces typically have a long life, but issues can arise to prevent you from being comfortable. With a furnace, failure to generate heat is the most common problem. Let’s take a closer look.
Furnace Is Not Producing Heat
A furnace that runs but does not create the heat you need for your home is a cause for alarm, especially when you don’t know what the issue could be. Once you know why the furnace is not producing heat, you can call one of our HVAC specialists at Evergreen Heating & Air LLC for repairs. Here are some reasons why your furnace may be failing to do its job.
No Power
A furnace needs power to produce heat. If the appliance is not turning on, the first thing to check is whether it is plugged in. If you are sure that is not the issue, then check the circuit breaker. Too much energy usage can trip the breaker. When this occurs, it needs to be reset, so place it back in the On position, and see if that resolves the problem.
Thermostat Is Not Set to Heat
If your thermostat is not set to Heat, it is not going to produce the heat you want. There are a few other placements that you will need to adjust if you want to keep warm. If the fan is on, the unit will blow air around your home without heating it up to warm the space. This may have been an option for airflow early in the season, but as temperatures drop, you will need heat output as well.
Check the actual temperature setting on the thermostat as well. Someone in your home may have made an adjustment that left the heat setting too low to create the appropriate amount of warmth. Another setting that may not accommodate your needs is Auto. This will keep the furnace running, but to keep temperature levels the same, cold air may occasionally blow out of the vents.
If all the settings seem to be right, then there must be another issue that is preventing the thermostat from working properly. Perhaps the batteries are dead in the unit, or faulty wiring is keeping the device from working. If you suspect that the wiring is bad, do not attempt to inspect it yourself. Ask a professional to do it for you.
In addition, the sensor could produce inaccurate readings. Perhaps it’s telling the thermostat that the heat in the space is higher than it is. This could be due to dust covering the sensor, or the thermostat could be receiving direct sunlight. Incorrect calibration of the unit could also cause errors with the temperature readings.
Air Filter Clogs or Blocked Vents
Your furnace may not produce an appropriate amount of heat when there is a clog in the filters or the air vents. Check your air filters to see if dust and debris are covering them. This blocks the flow of air, which, in turn, causes energy bills to potentially increase without producing more heat. Without clean filters, the furnace could overheat due to having to work harder and shut down. Once the furnace is in emergency shutdown mode, it is less efficient because it needs to restart completely.
If the filter is relatively new, you can attempt to clean it to remove dust and debris. However, filters need replacement every few months when the furnace is in use. If you have pets who live in the home, clean the filters on a monthly basis to ensure proper airflow. Pet dander and fur tend to build up on filters much quicker than dust alone. Also, if any mold is present in the filtration system, removal is necessary to protect your household from breathing problems.
If blocked or closed vents are in your home, they could contribute to lower heat production. You may think that closing a vent simply keeps the heat out of a specific room, but it actually prevents airflow from moving freely in the ducts. In addition, when furniture blocks the vents, it minimizes the airflow in that area.
Pilot Light or Ignition Issues
Older furnaces have continuous pilot lights that keep the flame going in the unit. If the pilot light is not staying lit, a professional could need to look at other issues. This could be a thermocouple that is not working or clogs in the small spaces of the pilot light. Another reason that the pilot light could interfere with producing heat is that the flame setting is too low. If the pilot light goes out completely, make sure the gas is off before you attempt to light it again.
Newer furnaces have an ignition switch that starts the process of lighting the furnace. If the ignition switch is not working, the fire that heats the space may not catch in the furnace. If the ignition does not function, the flame sensor could be the reason. If the sensor is faulty or simply dirty and doesn’t detect a flame in the furnace, the unit can shut down.
Blower Fan Belt Problems
If heat is not leaving the furnace vents, there is a chance that the blower is not pushing it from the unit. If this occurs, the blower fan belt may be the issue. If you are noticing a shrill squealing sound coming from the furnace, check the belt to see if wear and tear is visible. If there is damage, contact us at Evergreen Heating & Air LLC for a replacement.
If you see nothing wrong with the belt, it may only need an adjustment. It is not uncommon for a belt to slip out of place when the furnace is in use. If the belt is not running correctly, there is a chance that the blower fan will go. This is essential for hot air to move through the system, so once the fan stops moving completely, getting a replacement is necessary. Luckily, this is often a rare occurrence, as a blower fan has a lifespan of up to 20 years.
Contact a Dependable HVAC Company
Although you might be able to troubleshoot some issues, it’s best to leave repairs and replacements to one of our professionals at Evergreen Heating & Air LLC. When your furnace is not producing heat, you can call one of our team members and schedule an appointment for an inspection. When we perform one, we will look at everything in the system to make sure it is working properly. Before we arrive, check the vents to make sure they are all clear with optimal airflow.
In addition to providing repair services for your furnace, we install and service ductwork, humidifiers, and dehumidifiers along with air purifiers and air conditioners. Contact us at Evergreen Heating & Air LLC today for all your heating and cooling needs in Statesville!