There’s lots to do to prepare your home for the transition from winter to spring. Putting away your winter clothing and cleaning up your home are good ideas, but one thing that homeowners often forget about when preparing for spring is taking care of their HVAC system. Getting your HVAC system ready for the new season is necessary for making sure it runs properly when you need it. Here are some helpful tips for doing just that.

  • Run your air conditioner. You don’t have to fill your home with cool air all day long if you aren’t ready for it yet, but running your air conditioning system for a little bit each day can help prepare it for days when you’re running it longer. Giving your air conditioner time to warm up before it’s used more frequently will help reduce the strain of running for long amounts of time as it gets warmer outside.
  • Check your outdoor units. It’s common for branches and other debris to get caught in your outdoor HVAC units during the colder months. Cleaning out these units before running them can help prevent future damage.
  • Have your system looked at by a professional. Want to make sure your HVAC system is good to go? Have a professional HVAC contractor take a look at things. They have knowledge and experience that will help them locate any potential problems you might have missed, so if you’re ready for the springtime and want to make sure your HVAC system is too, contact us here at Evergreen Heating & Air LLC.
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