The winter months are notorious for allowing illnesses to run rampant. The common cold and flu are never fun to deal with, but they can be hard to avoid with the cold, dry winter air. If you’re tired of the dry air irritating your skin and clogging your nasal passages, you should add humidifiers to your home.
Humidifiers work by increasing the amount of moisture in the air within your home. This increased moisture is great for keeping you healthy, as it decreases the likelihood of cold and flu transmission. Your furniture will also benefit from this moisture. Your couches, wooden tables, and other furniture are more susceptible to cracks and damage when the air is dry, but your humidifier can help prevent these damages. The amount of moisture released from your humidifiers can be controlled, so if you’re concerned about excess moisture negatively affecting your home, you don’t need to worry.
In addition to keeping you and your family happy and healthy, home humidifiers can help your furnace. The warm air released by your furnace is naturally dry. Humid air holds onto heat better than dry air does, so adding a humidifier to moisten the air in your home prevents your furnace from having to work so hard to keep your home warm.
We can help bring you the benefits of comfortable levels of moisture in the air in your home with our humidifiers. Call us here at Evergreen Heating & Air LLC and enjoy healthier air for you and your family this winter.